Saturday, January 29, 2011

" food that is closest to the way God made it."

Way #10  The Glycemic Index is your friend

For all the talk about Glycemic Index or G.I. not much is given in terms of practical knowledge.  The G.I. is an indicator for how quickly a carb is processed by your system.  Highly refined foods (e.g. sugar, white bread, white pasta) are like throwing a cup of gasoline on a fire, a flash of energy, then a need for more fuel.  Complex sugars, whole grains, natural beans and so on, are more like a log, energy that burns more evenly and longer. 

I don't think it is a coincidence that the closer a food is to it's natural state the better suited it is for your body.
And for a bonus, it does not take long before your body actually craves the healthier alternative.

Date:  1/29/2011
Day: 29
Weight: 353.2  (-15.0)
BMI: 44.1
Miles Ridden: 138
Days to Las Vegas: 272

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face. - Mike Tyson

Way 9:  Roll with the punches

One minute you're flying high, riding further, riding stronger and actually feeling your body change.  The next you hear a shotgun sound and your bike grinds to quick stop.  They guy at the bike shop actually says he has never seen a metal bicycle wheel shread like that in 10 years on the job.   Then comes the news that he has no wheel in stock and it will take two weeks to get another one.

It's amazing how the mind can take one piece of bad news and sew a tapestry of disaster around it.  Visions of the entire Project 100 Ways endeavor crashing down.  Thoughts of how there is no way to replace that much bike time with any other exercise.

Never underestimate the power of breathing.  Twelve hours later, I'm the proud owner of an underpriced, gently used Cannondale M400 for less than the cost of the replacement wheel on the recumbent.

Sure, my rear will be sore tomorrow and I will miss that recumbent bus driver seat, but I head off to bed a thankful, happy guy.

Date:  1/25/2011
Day: 25
Weight: 353.2  (-15.0)
BMI: 44.1
Miles Ridden: 118
Days to Las Vegas: 276

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Death by 1000 paper cuts

Way 8:  Kaizen!

Kaizen is Japanese for the philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement of processes. *  Born out of their industrial rebirth in the 60s and 70s at its heart is the idea that you look for opportunity in everything you do.

In 100 ways terms, pay attention to how you live and look for ways to lead a more active lifestyle, a little bit at a time.  How you shop (try using a hand basket), commute (Google maps provides bike routes!) or spend your day (have a no elevator day every week).  Even giving blood is good for 650 calories :)

You might notice big jumps in the number below.  I finally mapped a reasonable bike commute to work using Kaizen.   Go find your ways!

Date:  1/22/2011
Day: 22
Weight: 353.2  (-15.0)
BMI: 44.1
Miles Ridden: 90
Days to Las Vegas: 279

* - Wikipedia of course

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"All right, first: don't panic! Second: don't panic! And third: did I mention not to panic?" - JiJi

Way #7 Don't panic

Or maybe do panic.  I ran out of MonavieRVL and my next shipment has not arrived.  This resulted in a cascade effect of the mini-meals not being to mini (or nutritious) and the frequency of every 3 hours not being maintainable.  Voila!  Stalled metabolism.  Making a change and getting undesirable results can help you realize that what you were doing had value.

But I am holding steady and appreciating the reminder of not only planning your work but working your plan.  I'm seeing my Monavie pal Todd today, maybe he has some extra :)

Date:  1/18/2011
Day: 18
Weight: 358.2  (-10.0)
BMI: 44.4
Miles Ridden: 48
Days to Las Vegas: 283

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Live like the person you want to be

Way #6 Don't diet

The path to failure is strewn with yo-yo dieting and blown metabolisms.  Grapefruit diets, bacon diets, stavation diets, even the Asian Pee Diet (seriously) promise short term success in return for long term disappointment.

I cherish the wisdom of living like the person of your dreams.  The rest will come together once your body is convinced you are serious.  I picture myself as a heathy, active, middle aged, salt and pepper haired, mentor of others and who is not clinically obsese (BMI 30).  And that is how I am living.

Date:  1/15/2011
Day: 15
Weight: 358.0  (-10.2)
BMI: 44.4
Miles Ridden: 48
Days to Las Vegas: 286

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

“You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I’m not hungry enough to eat six.” - Anon

Way #5  Eat more

This might be the greatest tip of them all, and the hardest to believe, but it's true.

Pizza joke aside, if you cut that pie into six pieces and eat one every three hours, you'll burn more calories than cutting it into four pieces you eat six hours apart.  That traditional habit of light breakfast, medium lunch, large dinner and bedtime snack is the perfect formula for weight gain.

Mini-meals of around 300 calories every three hours estabishes and maintains a higher metabolism, which means more calories burned.  Lifestyles make it hard to prepare 5-6 healthy meals, which is where nutrition shakes and bars come in. Look for a nice combination of nutrition, taste and appetite suppression.

Date:  1/11/2011
Day: 11
Weight: 358.2  (-10)
BMI: 44.4
Miles Ridden: 18
Days to Las Vegas: 290

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving. - Oliver Wendell Holmes

 Way #4:  Learn to see your world for the wonderful place it is

Up two pounds.  Well, I'm doing the right things and overall ahead of plan.

Bike flat tire 3.5 miles from home.  Talk about an extra workout!  Glad I have the tools and skills to fix this at home.

The stories of Gabriella Giffords and Ted Williams teach us how quickly our worlds can change.   Who would you have chosen to be a month ago?  How about today?    No one has the inside track on whether tomorrow will be better than today.   How great is that!

Date:  1/8/2011
Day: 8
Weight: 359.2  (-9)
BMI: 44.5
Miles Ridden: 13
Days to Las Vegas: 293

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"You can't model for the rest of your life, so ... diversify ..." Tyra Banks

Way #3  Diversify your Dream

God must have wanted us to diet, because He makes the first few days so exciting.  Losing close to twelve pounds in three days leads to heady thoughts such as "if I can keep this up for x more days, I'll weigh y pounds".  Of course, experienced dieters (and aren't all dieters experienced?) know this fast start is short lived and due to water loss, colon cleansing and little to do with fat loss.  But it is fun, none the less :)

Be assured, the doldrums of little to no weight loss, sometimes for weeks at a time, are coming.  That is why it is important to have multiple objectives, to have greater chances for those little victories that keep you going.

My goals of 100 pounds, 100 miles and building a wellness business gives me lots positive outlets and short term objectives.

Here are just a few ideas for positive feedback:
- pounds, inches, % body fat, bmi
- speed, distance, minutes of aerobic activities
- reps, minutes, circuits, weight in strength training

Date:  1/4/2011
Day: 4
Weight: 356.8 (-11.4)
BMI: 44.5
Miles Ridden: 10
Days to Las Vegas: 297

Saturday, January 1, 2011

"What gets measured gets managed." - Peter Drucker

Happy New Year! 

Way #2:  Track your progress

Baseline day in my 100 pound 100 mile quest and the results are in:

Date:  1/1/2011
Day: 1
Weight: 368.2
BMI: 46
Miles Ridden: 0
Days to Las Vegas: 300

The only way I could face these numbers is knowing I am putting them behind me.  Had my first MonaVie RVL shake this morning and it worked great for satisfying hunger and tasted great.

Will update again in a couple days.  Time for a bike ride :)