Tuesday, January 11, 2011

“You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I’m not hungry enough to eat six.” - Anon

Way #5  Eat more

This might be the greatest tip of them all, and the hardest to believe, but it's true.

Pizza joke aside, if you cut that pie into six pieces and eat one every three hours, you'll burn more calories than cutting it into four pieces you eat six hours apart.  That traditional habit of light breakfast, medium lunch, large dinner and bedtime snack is the perfect formula for weight gain.

Mini-meals of around 300 calories every three hours estabishes and maintains a higher metabolism, which means more calories burned.  Lifestyles make it hard to prepare 5-6 healthy meals, which is where nutrition shakes and bars come in. Look for a nice combination of nutrition, taste and appetite suppression.

Date:  1/11/2011
Day: 11
Weight: 358.2  (-10)
BMI: 44.4
Miles Ridden: 18
Days to Las Vegas: 290

1 comment:

  1. When I'm pressed for time, I make up a garden salad with lean chicken breast meat on top. Then I fill in the rest of the day with fruit, veggies and yogurt. Works for me & takes very little time.
