Saturday, January 1, 2011

"What gets measured gets managed." - Peter Drucker

Happy New Year! 

Way #2:  Track your progress

Baseline day in my 100 pound 100 mile quest and the results are in:

Date:  1/1/2011
Day: 1
Weight: 368.2
BMI: 46
Miles Ridden: 0
Days to Las Vegas: 300

The only way I could face these numbers is knowing I am putting them behind me.  Had my first MonaVie RVL shake this morning and it worked great for satisfying hunger and tasted great.

Will update again in a couple days.  Time for a bike ride :)


  1. way to go Bill...I really need to do this with you. Are you planning to bike to Las Vegas?

  2. We live about 500 miles north of Las Vegas and will drive down a couple days early. The Viva Bike Vegas ride will be on a Saturday in late October with distances (based on prior years) of 25-115 miles around Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, etc.

    As a further incentive, for the first 10 who sign up with MonaVie in my org, I'll pay for the bike rally and hotel.

  3. Oh I wish I lived closer! I really need the motivation to start moving again and losing weight. You're an inspiration William. I'm looking forward to following your blog!
